By: StandPJ

Warning: The following story contains a homophobic plot line and graphic homophobic language. Please do not read if you are likely to be offended by this. Please note that this is a work of fiction and the author does not condone violence, homophobia or discrimination in any form.

I knew he didn’t like me and I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to meet him in any situation outside work. Until this evening I’d always been careful to make sure I was never last in our office. He’d never actually threatened me; he never more than scowled at me whenever I passed the reception. In two years I’d never had to speak to him, yet every instinct told me to keep out his way. Too late now but I’d been right all along.

His name is Rick. He’s the office building's concierge/security. Broad shouldered with a lean muscular body. His cropped black hair; strong hairy forearms and firm big arse should have had me drooling. But they didn’t. In his early thirties he’d come to the office from the army. His rough and unpleasant manner was reserved for the few, to most he appeared polite and professional. But to some of us, he appeared dangerous and aggressive. I knew at least one other guy had left the company because he felt so uncomfortable around him.

I figured it would be ok if I always made sure I avoided him. Didn’t make eye contact, didn’t give him any excuse. Always left the building when there were plenty of people around. But it all went wrong about an hour ago.

I new I was going to be working late – had to take a call with an 8 hour time difference so there was no way around it. I’d arrange with at least two colleagues that they would stay behind, on the pretext of us going for a post work beer. My heart sank with Kev popped his head round my office door about 7 and dropped a note to say that he’d been called home urgently and that Jack was going to drive him. I was on my own. Shit. When the call eventually finished I quickly checked the rest of my floor for any of my colleagues. Empty. I closed up my room, grabbed my stuff and made quickly for the lift. I was beginning to spook myself. The lift stopped on the employee parking level, doors opened. Good, no one in sight. I briskly walked towards my car. Great. I’d managed to avoid bumping into him. I took the keys from my pocket, fumbled, dropped them and bent down to pick them up. A shove from behind me sent me flying forward, my head connecting with the side of my car. Blackness.

My head was thumping. I couldn’t focus. What had happened? I was lying on the floor face down. I felt my forehead. Blood, but not much. I tried to focus but it was so dark. I felt around for my car, trying to pull myself up to my feet. A dim light cracked on and I lifted my head and looked up. Where was I? The floor was large, empty and hard. Ahead in the distance I could make out through my blurred vision two large black shapes. What was it? I squinted. It couldn’t be. They moved and as they did I realised exactly what it was. It was a man’s black shoes and they were huge and coming toward me. I tried to get up as the feet got closer…larger…impossibly large. Suddenly I was grabbed and swept upward. Instinctively I tried to shield my face. When the movement stopped I moved my arm away and stared up, horrified into the massive face of Rick. His face was emotionless. He just held me there in his giant hand and looked down at me. I was terrified. Unceremoniously I was dropped into a surface - a massive table. Without speaking Rick sat down in front of the table, pushed his chair back, crossing his legs he put his feet up on the table, inches away for me. I was standing, staring at the rough soles of Rick’s shoes. And they were slightly taller than me!

I looked at Rick and tried to speak. My voice cracked. “Please tell me what’s happening?”

A sneer spread across his face. “Pest control”

“I don’t understand, what’s happened to me, what are you doing, how did I get here?”

“I did it”, he replied. His voice low and menacing. “I got you in the car park, idiot – you almost got away, if you hadn’t dropped your keys. I pushed you over, knocking you out and then shrunk you down to the 12 inches you are now. Easier at that size to deal with you.”

“Deal with me?”

“Yeah, it is one of the perks of this job. Dealing with over paid faggot scum like you.”

“What have I ever done to you to make you do this to me?” I pleaded.

“You exist. I hate your sort. You don’t deserve to be in the same room as a real man like me, and soon you are gonna find out exactly what all real men can do to the likes of you. Finally you’ll serve some purpose”

Sweating, fear continued to rise within me. “Purpose?”

Rick smiled for the first time. “Yeah! I am going to expose you as the filth that you are, I’m gonna turn you into shit.”

I started to back away. Where the hell I was gonna go I don’t know but I bolted across the table. Rick’s hand swept down and grabbed me. His hand wrapped around my middle he brought me to his face. My face was inches from his mouth. I could feel his hot, damp breath.

“Stupid fucker! Did you think you could get away? Did you really think that I would let my dinner escape?”

Oh fuck. He is going to eat me.

Rick grinned. “Yep your pointless little faggot life is gonna count for something after all. You are gonna feed this man’s appetite. You should feel honoured. Your pointless as human, but as my food you’ll at least do some good – providing me with some protein.”

Rick exposed his massive teeth as he opened his vast mouth and he started to shove me in. Face down my upper body was now crushed between his vast damp tongue and the roof of his mouth. I tried to struggle, to fight. He just pushed more of me into his mouth, determined to devour me. My head was at the back of his throat. Darkness all around, hot, crushing I think I am gonna pass out. I must have been out for second; the crushing of this throat as he swallowed was unbearable. I was inside him now. I can’t see, can hardly breath but I know I am in his stomach. It is hotter than hell and my skin is beginning to burn. Why? Why did this happen? How did I end up as food for this man?

Rick leant back in his chair and scanned the monitors on the bank in front of him. He loved his job, but especially when he was belly was full with some faggot scum. He belched. That should stop the squirming. He smiled, patting his firm stomach and thought of his body digesting another “pest”. Good meal. Job well done.

The End

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